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Modifying CDR Permissions

Please review the Acceptable Use Policy prior to submitting the CDR Permissions Modification Form below. Submission of the form constitutes your agreement to adhere to this policy. 


Submit this form to request to modify which users are allowed to submit check disbursement requests and/or act as a budget manager, authorized signer, or reporting contact for your department. You may submit up to two modifications per form. 

Note that individuals in these roles must be employees of the University of Oregon or the University of Oregon Foundation. Development Officers cannot be authorized signers.


If you have any questions, please email or call 541.302.0300. 

Prepared By

Changes Requested

Would you like to add or remove a user?
Which role(s) should be added/removed?
This change is applicable to a...
Would you like to add or remove a user?
Which role(s) should be added/removed?
This change is applicable to a...

Thanks for submitting!


Please contact the Foundation at or 541-302-0300 with any questions relating to check disbursement requests.

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