Transfer Check Disbursement Requests (TCDRs)
To submit or approve a TCDR, you must have access to Laserfiche Forms. If you have not yet been provisioned access, please visit the user modification page here to submit your request. If you are unsure whether you have the appropriate access, email ​​
How to get started
To access Laserfiche Forms and start a TCDR, follow these steps:​
Login to the VPN (if not on the UO network, VPN is required if you are not on a UO network)
Log in using your credentials.
Click on the Laserfiche Forms icon.
Select "Start Process" from the top navigation bar.
Click "Start" next to the TCDR process to begin.
The recommended browser for Laserfiche Forms is Chrome, unfortunately Safari is not supported.
Refer to these detailed and printable user desktop guides or the recorded training below for step-by-step guidance on filling out each field in the form.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Supporting Documentation:
When available attach all related invoices, itemized receipts, and other applicable documentation to your Laserfiche TCDR submission. ​
Select the appropriate campus expense code, a list of codes can be found here.​
Select an authorized signer to route your request for approval using Laserfiche Forms.​​
To ensure that all submitters and authorized signers are active in the Foundation's system, update your users by completing this user permissions modification form. ​​

TCDR Payment Schedule
ACH (direct deposit) payments will be issued weekly on Wednesdays.
Disbursement requests received by Wednesday at 5:00 pm will be paid on Wednesday of the 2nd following week. This allows nine business days for review and processing. ​
This schedule is subject to change. Revision to the schedule will be announced as far in advance as possible.
Please contact the Foundation at or 541-302-0300 with any questions relating to Accounting Services.